Monday 6 May 2013

Tukang Coding
TreTans, 11:36

When Farrah Abraham Striptease Show off Bottom

Los Angeles - After making the commotion caused by the porn video, Farrah Abraham is now re-appear vulgar.

As reported by TMZ, Sunday (5/5), it looks like his porn video sales not enough for Farrah Abraham.

Even after getting a contract to play porn movies, Farrah again appear vulgar.

This time, with a thin black lingerie, Farrah fun snaking stripper pole. She shows her sexy body flexibility while learning to dance sexy or Pole Dancing.

Tukang Coding
TreTans, 11:34

Gwyneth Paltrow Likes Oral Sex Than Fight

Los Angeles - Actress Iron Man, Gwyneth Paltrow seems to choose the sex rather than having a fight with her ​​partner. He also suggested it to her friend.

Citing Thesun, Wednesday (1/5), wife of Chris Martin, lead singer the band Cold Play once told his friend if he would rather give oral sex to her husband than to argue.

This was disclosed by him while performing at the Chelsea, recently. For those of A Perfect Murder, oral sex is better than having to fight.

Therefore, when he tells her if her husband is upset to be converted into a passion.

Tukang Coding
TreTans, 11:31

Gwyneth Paltrow Likes Settled in London

London - Hollywood actress blooded American, Gywneth Paltrow confessed love living in London, England. He happily settled with her husband, Chris Martin, and her two children.

"I love London, the city where I wanted to stay," she told Glamour, as quoted Showbizspy, Friday (3/5).

"In London, the kids and I really get a lot of advantages. Thursday is often a walk to the museum, St James Park, and other theaters. I get a lot of nice things from the city of London, I want the children also feel , "he added.

Tukang Coding
TreTans, 11:30

Gwyneth Paltrow version of People Most Beautiful Women

American-born actress, Gwyneth Paltrow, perhaps the most controversial celebrity today who was ordained as a woman People magazine's Most Beautiful.

The reason everyone recognizes Paltrow pretty, but not very charming. Following the announcement of the magazine last week, the mother of two children aged 40 years was referred to as 'elitist', 'arrogant' and 'Barbie Ideal' by a number of news sites on the internet.

According to ABC News, the conduct of People magazine's editor, Larry Hackett, on Good Morning America said there are many reasons to put star of "Iron Man" is in the first rank.

"He is identical with the mother and wife that balanced personal life and his career, not only that he also considered people who are very family oriented, humble, close to his mother and looks gorgeous."

Previous winners were good friends Paltrow, singer Beyonce Knowles, 31, a former girlfriend Paltorw couple (Brad Pitt), Angelina Jolie, 37, and singer Jennifer Lopez, 43 out, and actress, Julia Robert, 45 years old.

Tukang Coding
TreTans, 11:27

Sarah Jessica Parker Wants Sex Again

Los Angeles - Sarah Jessica Parker want ngesek again? Wait a minute, all she wants is to return to play on TV series, Sex And The City Movie.

Her role as Carrie Bradshaw in the TV series, Sex And The City, Sarah Jessica Parker makes addiction.

As reported Showbizspy, Monday (6/5), Sarah also wanted to return to play his role in Sex And The City The Movie.

"I've said, there is a story to tell, 'he teased', right time and right place.'s Going to be amazing," he explained.